
Access the industry’s most trusted guidepost in measuring your member experience performance. We were founded around a primary goal of developing a common member loyalty benchmark for the credit union industry. This benchmark is now published on a quarterly basis, regularly tracking key loyalty trends.

Customized and sophisticated
With more than 5 million member surveys from credit unions across the country, we provide our partner credit unions with the most sophisticated benchmark reporting available today. You receive a customized, detailed report each quarter that compares your scores to those of all MLG program participants. Numbers provided include those taken from all participating credit unions, as well as a comparison to peer credit unions by asset size. In reviewing this data, you can see where you excel or where improvement may be needed.

Answer your most important questions
Your access to our partner credit union community will also help you to answer the most important questions: “What are other successful credit unions doing that works?” and “What are the best practices for improving member loyalty at each touchpoint?”
What sets us apart are not only the state-of-the-art tools that measure and benchmark performance but the rigorous methodology and collaboration with other credit unions to actually improve business performance.